The Karoo

The Karoo is a huge, bewitching semi-desert in South Africa. The word Karoo means hard veld and is derived from the South Khoekhoe word “!Orakobab”.

Karoo Bioscience is situated in the Little Karoo, the Karoo’s southern flank.

Known for its arid air and cloudless skies, the Little Karoo’s ‘BSk’ climate classification is identical to the Hindu Kush region, the likely point from which cannabis’ global spread began.

The Little Karoo is known for its extraordinary plant species richness. More than 3200 plant species occur across the region, of which more than 400 are known nowhere else on earth. In terms of flora it is one of the world’s most biodiverse ecosystems, with a rich history of medicinal plant use.

We love the Karoo. It is a uniquely beautiful landscape that we explore and enjoy as often as we can.